How to Check a Blood Test at Home?

Health checkups are very necessary for everyone, especially once a person reaches the age of 40. Conducting regular health checkups can be crucial to understand the patient’s vital stats and the status of all the functions in the body. It can help keep tabs on any abnormality in bodily functions and help the patient take preventative measures before a problem arises. 

A regular blood test at home can be an easy way to detect any problems and to ensure that no problems are there in the system. There are many kinds of blood tests but the easiest way to complete a test at home is to go in for a master health checkup every year. 

What is a Blood Test composed of?

A Blood test at home can be scheduled by a patient whenever it is advised by the doctor. One can take the test even without the doctor’s recommendation if the patient is healthy and has never been diagnosed with any problems. For patients who are just now starting out with health checkups, a regular test can ensure all the major levels are under control such as sugar, blood pressure, lipids, and other functions of the Liver and Kidney. 

If a patient wishes, they can take multiple tests and ensure all required levels are in check until one or a few of the tests come out abnormal. In this case, the patient can refer to a doctor to help with medication that can help in controlling the abnormality in the test.

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Some of the major tests that are requested by blood labs for patients have been listed below:

1.Blood Count 

One of the most important things is to check the hemoglobin level, the tests can also give out the levels of WBC and RBC. This level usually can determine if there are any infections in the body and establish the healthy blood hemoglobin level in the body. 


Thyroid functions are very important as most women suffer from hypo or hyperthyroidism. Thyroid tests can help in determining the healthy levels of thyroid hormone in the blood and also help in detecting if the levels of the thyroid hormone are all under control

3.Sugar Levels

Most people can have high or low blood sugar levels and this can go undetected for many years before the patient actually encounters a problem. Regular blood tests can help in determining whether the sugar level is normal in the body. Any change from the normal level requires medical attention.

4.Blood Pressure

Blood pressure is another important factor as the decrease or increase of blood pressure can have serious implications on health. High blood pressure can have devastating effects on the organs and their functions. Low blood pressure also poses a huge risk. Any abnormalcy requires medical attention and medication.

5.Lipid Profile

A lipid profile is a test that helps in determining the cholesterol level in the body. Lipid profile tests help in determining whether the cholesterol is high in the body and if so, this may pose serious implications on the heart and other organs. 

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6.Kidney Profile

Kidney tests help in determining the creatinine level, uric acid, and urea level in the body. It helps in identifying any abnormality in these levels

7.Liver Profile

Liver profile tests include albumin count, bilirubin counts, and protein level in the blood. It helps in understanding if the body metabolizes protein in the right way. 


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