5 Best Memorial Day Digital Marketing Campaign Ideas for Small Business

Memorial Day is a very special time of year for many small businesses. People all across the nation celebrate this special occasion where they remember those who have fallen in military service. As a small business owner, you may be unsure how to effectively market on Memorial Day. In this article, we will give you several of our top Memorial Day digital marketing campaign ideas for small business. This should guide you as you begin planning for the promotion and advertising of your small business.

One of the best Memorial Day digital marketing campaign ideas for small business is to create and distribute a corporate video using mobile media. You can record your video using handheld and wearable video cameras, webcams and web camcorders, wearable cameras and smart phones. While your in-house videographer or photographer can coordinate and plan locations, you can coordinate media distribution and marketing. You want to ensure you are reaching your target audience.

You should identify various media outlets that can reach your target demographic. The most effective way to reach your demographic is to get on the social networks and message boards associated with your target demographic. Post links to your company website at these sites. You also want to promote your local events, special sales, promotions and specials on local news websites and e-mail advertising services. These small business tools allow you to post your company profile, pictures and news releases on a consistent basis.

Another of the Memorial Day digital marketing campaign ideas for small business owners is to submit your business to a directory. There are many business directories online such as The Directory of Small Businesses and The U.S. Chamber of Commerce. You should determine what type of business you are trying to showcase through submitting your business for listing in this directory. The main goal is to increase your exposure to potential clients will know who you are. You will want to submit your business name, address, phone number and any logo image.

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You should utilize various types of media including social network marketing, PPC, banner ads, article marketing, Ezine advertising, etc. If you don’t have a website already established, it is time to build one. It can be as simple as a simple blog or website. There are several different ways to promote your small business. Some of these options include social network marketing, PPC advertising, banner advertising, article marketing, email marketing and so much more.

As mentioned above, you should always be on the look out for new forms of online media for your small business. You will want to constantly be researching and testing new strategies to promote your business online. One very effective strategy is video marketing. It allows you to reach a large audience very quickly. It is also a very low cost method of advertising that will continue to benefit your business.

Memorial Day is just around the corner. Why not take advantage of this great opportunity to promote your business and increase your customer base. Here are some Memorial day marketing campaign ideas to help you get started:

Marketing is an integral part of any business. It allows your small business to be noticed and recognized in any community. Digital marketing can increase traffic to your site and increase sales for your business. There are several different online options for advertising for small businesses.

Email marketing has been found to be one of the most effective ways to reach your target audience. In an age where people tend to keep their information very personal, it is a good idea to keep your business as personal as possible. One great idea is to design your own business card. This is especially helpful if your business specializes in a specific field. For instance, if you are a dentist, you might consider designing and printing your business cards with a photo of your head and business address. This way your customers know you are a dentist, and not just some guy working at a call center.

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The same goes for social networking sites. With millions of members in Facebook alone, you want to make sure that every image and description that you put out there is properly tagged so that your Facebook friends will know who you are talking about. The same goes for Twitter. Include your business name and include a photo of your business at the top of your profile.

If you have a website, it is a good idea to create a landing page using WordPress, Blogger or another content management system. This page will include a free business card template as well as all of your social media accounts. You can use Facebook, Twitter and even your own blog to promote your small business. When you send out your announcements, always provide a link to your website or social media profiles. The more avenues you create to bring traffic to your site, the more customers you will have.

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