How to Convert PDF Files Into Excel?

How to Convert PDF Files Into Excel?

How to convert PDF files into Excel? In this article I will cover a few simple tricks that can help make PDF files into Excel compatible format quickly and easily. PDF files are self-explanatory when it comes to how to convert them into an Excel document. They are a common type of file used by many Excel users. PDF is the file format used on the majority of the Microsoft Outlook programs including MS Outlook Express.

Why convert PDF into Excel? The main reason to do so is to be able to edit the resulting table in Excel. There are times when you might want to change a particular cell value or formatting options within a particular report. PDF is a commonly accepted document format that allows for this kind of customization within Excel documents. If you often find yourself performing the same task repeatedly, such as creating a report from different spreadsheets, PDF might just give you the opportunity to convert PDF files into Excel.

How to convert PDF files into Excel? The way I convert PDF into Excel is to use the built in ‘istaPro’ feature within Microsoft Excel. To start with, open a new workbook in Excel and then click on the menu at the top of the screen, select ‘ppe’ and select ‘file’ and then click on ‘open’. In the file menu, select ‘appearance’ and then click on the option ‘use Adobe Systems fonts’ and once done, the menu should change to display the file menu, which will contain the option ‘load fonts’ and the name of the font you wish to use for the resulting document.

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Why use Adobe Systems fonts? Well, firstly they are free and widely available and secondly, if you convert PDF files into Excel using ‘islePro’, you will find that the resulting document has been optimised for the Windows environment. That’s important because, as we have noted earlier, Excel is a Mac-specific application and as such, cannot read many PDF files created using other systems, such as the Linux format. However, by using Adobe Systems fonts, you will be able to use the PDF files created with these other systems and view them in Excel, without any compatibility issues. This will save you time and money in the long run.

How to convert PDF files into Excel? The conversion process is very simple and straightforward. Just select the desired font from the folder you have opened; this will appear at the top of the font selection dropdown list. Click on the desired font to convert PDF files into Excel.

How to convert PDF files into Excel? Once you have selected the fonts you wish to use, double click on the ‘PDF to Excel’ button. You will then see the pop-up’Converting to Excel’ along with a red minus sign symbol. If you click this, a dialogue box will appear asking you to confirm whether you want to convert the PDF file(s) into an excel spreadsheet.

Now just follow the easy steps mentioned above, which will result in your PDF file being converted into an excel worksheet. At the end of the conversion process, you should have a Worksheet in the form of an excel document. Of course if you need to have more than one PDF document, you can combine them using ‘Merge’ tool which is included within the Microsoft Office Suite. This saves you quite a lot of time as you don’t have to deal with manually combining the PDF files.

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How to convert PDF files into Excel? To convert PDF into an excel document using the ‘ano’ function, you will need to go to ‘word’ and click on the menu option called “PDF to Excel”. This will open a new window where you will be able to view your newly created document. If you need to view the document in any other format, just copy the document and then open it using your preferred application, for example word online.

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